Terms & Conditions・Rules of Us

Terms & Conditions

Article 1 - Scope of Application

  • 1.1 
    The Accommodation Contract and related contracts to be concluded between the accommodation facility and the Guest shall be based on the provision of this Contract. Any matter not stipulated in this Contract will be governed by laws and regulations (including ordinances based on them: the same applies hereinafter) and generally established practice.
  • 1.2 
    When the accommodation facility has agreed to conclude a Special Contract without conflicting with ordinance and established practice, notwithstanding the preceding Paragraph, the said Special Contract shall prevail.

Article 2 - Application for an Accommodation Contract

  • 2.1 
    The Guest who intends to apply to the accommodation facility for an Accommodation Contract will be required to provide the accommodation facility with the following particulars:
    • (1)
      Name(s) and contact information of Guest(s)
    • (2)
      Date(s) scheduled for overnight stay and estimated time of arrival
    • (3)
      Accommodation Charge (according, in principle, to the basic accommodation charges described in the attached Table 1)
    • (4)
      Name and contact information of the Applicant
    • (5)
      Other particulars considered necessary by the accommodation facility
  • 2.2 
    In the case that the Guest has requested, during his/her stay, an extension of an overnight stay beyond the date described in the preceding Paragraph, item (2), the accommodation facility shall handle his/her request as a new application for an Accommodation Contract which has been made at the point in time when the said request has been made.

Article 3 - Conclusion, etc. of the Accommodation Contract

  • 3.1 
    The Accommodation Contract shall be considered to have been concluded at the time when the accommodation facility has accepted the application described in the preceding Article, unless the accommodation facility has proven that the accommodation facility has not accepted the said application.
  • 3.2 
    When the Accommodation Contract has been concluded under the provision of the preceding Paragraph, the Application Money payable for the period scheduled for overnight stay as prescribed by the accommodation facility shall be paid by the date set by us, up to the maximum amount equal to the basic accommodation charge for such period scheduled for overnight stay.
  • 3.3 
    The Application Money shall first be applied to the payment of the final Accommodation Charge payable, and when the circumstances requiring application of the provisions of Article 6 and Article 18 have arisen, to penalty and then to compensation money in this order. If there is any balance left, it will be repaid at the time when the Accommodation Charge is paid as provided in Article 12.
  • 3.4 
    In the case that the Application Money described in Paragraph 2 of this Article has not been paid by the date set by us as stipulated in the same Paragraph, the Accommodation Contract shall become invalid, but limited only to the case where the accommodation facility has notified the Guest to that effect at the time when prescribing the due date for payment of the Application Money.

Article 4 - Special Contract Requiring No Payment of the Application Money

  • 4.1 
    Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Article, Paragraph 2, there are cases where the accommodation facility accepts a Special Contract which does not require payment of the Application Money specified in the said Paragraph after the conclusion of the Contract.
  • 4.2 
    When accepting an application for an Accommodation Contract, in the case that the accommodation facility fails to request payment of the Application Money specified in the preceding Article, Paragraph 2, and/or in the case that it fails to prescribe the due date for payment of the said Application Money, the Special Contract described in the preceding Paragraph shall be considered to have been accepted.

Article 4-2 - Request for Cooperation for Infection Prevention Measures in the Facilities

  • The accommodation facility may request the Guest seeking accommodation for cooperation based on Article 4-2, paragraph 1 of the Hotel Business Act (Act No. 138 of 1948).

Article 5 - Refusal of the Conclusion of the Accommodation Contract

  • 5.1 
    The following are cases where the accommodation facility may not accept the conclusion of the Accommodation Contract. This paragraph, however, does not mean that the accommodation facility may refuse the person stay in cases other than those set forth in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.
    • (1)
      When application for accommodation is not based on this Contract.
    • (2)
      When there is no room available due to full occupancy.
    • (3)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered likely to behave in violation of the provisions of the ordinance, public order or good public morals.
    • (4)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is found to have been responsible for events such as a late payment to the accommodation facility.
    • (5)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered to be corresponding to the following (a) to (c):
      • (a) 
        Organized crime group as stipulated by Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991), Article 2 item 2 (hereinafter referred to as “organized crime group”), organized crime group member as stipulated by the same law Article 2 item 6 (hereinafter referred to as “organized crime group member”), semi-regular member of and person related to an organized crime group, or other antisocial forces.
      • (b) 
        Corporate body or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or organized crime group member(s).
      • (c) 
        Corporate body whose board member(s) correspond(s) to organized crime group member(s).
    • (6)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation behaves in an extremely aggravating way against other guests.
    • (7)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is a patient suffering from specific infectious diseases stipulated in Article 4-2, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Hotel Business Act (hereafter, referred to as "a patient of specific infectious diseases"), etc.
    • (8)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is clearly considered to be suffering from a mental or physical disorder.
    • (9)
      When the Guests seeking accommodation are all minors who do not have permission from parental authority in writing.
    • (10)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation is considered likely to behave in an aggravating way against other guests due to intoxication, etc.
    • (11)
      When the accommodation facility judges that the application for accommodation was made for the purpose of transferring the right to accommodation to other person(s).
    • (12)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation carries out an act of violence when making a request or places an unreasonable burden on the accommodation facility (except when the Guest seeking accommodation requests to eliminate a social barrier under Article 7, paragraph 2 or Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Act for Eliminating Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities (Act No. 65 of 2013) (hereafter, referred to as "Disability Discrimination Act")).
    • (13)
      When an act of God, trouble with facilities, and other unavoidable causes prevent the Guest from staying at the accommodation facility.
    • (14)
      When the provisions of the ordinances of the Prefecture where the accommodation facility is located are applicable.
    • (15)
      When the Guest seeking accommodation repeatedly carries out the actions specified in Article 5-6 of the enforcement regulation of the Hotel Business Act against the accommodation facility for requests in which implementation might be a burden and which may significantly disturb the provision of services related to accommodation with other guests.

Article 5-2 - Explanation about Refusal of Concluding Accommodation Contract

  • When the accommodation facility refuses the conclusion of the Accommodation Contract based on the preceding Article, the Guest seeking accommodation may ask the accommodation facility to explain the reason for the refusal.

Article 6 - The Guest's Right to Cancel the Contract

  • 6.1 
    The Guest may cancel the Accommodation Contract by giving notice to the accommodation facility.
  • 6.2 
    In the case that the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in whole or in part due to causes attributable to him/her (which is the case when the accommodation facility has requested payment of the Application Money by prescribing the date due for such payment under the provision of Article 3, Paragraph 2, except in the case when the Guest has cancelled the Accommodation Contract prior to such payment), payment of penalty shall be required as specified in the attached Table 2. However, in the case that the accommodation facility has accepted a Special Contract described in Article 4, Paragraph 1, this provision shall be applied only to the case where the accommodation facility has notified the Guest of his/her responsibility to pay a penalty for cancellation of the Contract when accepting the Special Contract.
  • 6.3 
    In the case that the Guest does not arrive by 8:00p.m. on the day of an overnight stay without informing the accommodation facility of a delay (or after the lapse of 2 hours past the scheduled time of arrival if indicated by the Guest beforehand), the Accommodation Contract concerned may be considered to have been cancelled by the Guest and will be handled accordingly.

Article 7 - The Right of the accommodation facility to Cancel the Contract

  • 7.1 
    The following are cases where the accommodation facility may cancel the Accommodation Contract. This paragraph, however, does not mean that the accommodation facility may refuse the stay of the Guest in cases other than those set forth in Article 5 of the Hotel Business Act.
    • (1)
      When the Guest is considered likely to behave in violation of the provisions of the ordinance, public order or good public morals, or he/she is considered to have behaved in such a manner.
    • (2)
      When the Guest is clearly considered to be corresponding to the following (a) to (c).
      • (a) 
        Organized crime group, organized crime group member, semi-regular member of or person related to an organized crime group, or other antisocial forces.
      • (b) 
        Corporate body or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or organized crime group member(s).
      • (c) 
        Corporate body whose board member(s) correspond(s) to organized crime group member(s).
    • (3)
      When the Guest is a patient of specific infectious diseases.
    • (4)
      The Guest carried out a violent requesting act or placed unreasonable burden on the accommodation facility in regard to accommodation (except when the Guest requests to eliminate a social barrier under Article 7, paragraph 2 or Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Disability Discrimination Act).
    • (5)
      When unavoidable causes, such as an act of God, etc., prevent the Guest from staying at the accommodation facility.
    • (6)
      When the Guest is considered likely to behave in an extremely aggravating way against other guests or considered to have behaved in such a manner due to intoxication, etc.
    • (7)
      When the Guest smokes in bed (including heated tobacco products) or vandalizes fire protection facilities, or does not comply with the Rules of Use prescribed by the accommodation facility (limited only to those matters necessary for fire prevention).
    • (8)
      When the provisions of the ordinances of the Prefecture where the accommodation facility is located are applicable.
    • (9)
      When the Guest repeatedly carries out the actions specified in Article 5-6 of the enforcement regulation of the Hotel Business Act against the accommodation facility for requests in which implementation might be a burden and may significantly disturb the provision of services related to accommodation with other guests.
  • 7.2 
    In cases where the accommodation facility has cancelled the Accommodation Contract in accordance with the provision of the preceding Paragraph, charges for accommodation service, etc. which have not yet been offered to the Guest shall not be receivable.

Article 7-2 - Explanation about Cancellation of Accommodation ContractAccommodation Contract

  • When the accommodation facility cancels the Accommodation Contract based on the preceding Article, the Guest may ask the accommodation facility to explain the reason for the cancellation.

Article 8 - Registration of Accommodation

  • 8.1 
    The Guest will be required to register the following particulars at the front desk of the accommodation facility on the day of an overnight stay:
    • (1)
      Name, age, sex, address, contact information and occupation of the Guest(s).
    • (2)
      Nationality, passport number, place and date of entry to Japan in the case of a foreign guest who does not have the registered address in Japan (a photocopy of the passport will be made for confirmation).
    • (3)
      Scheduled date and time of departure.
    • (4)
      Other particulars considered necessary by the accommodation facility.
  • 8.2 
    In the case that the Guest intends to pay the charges described in Article 12 by using such means in place of currency as accommodation coupons, credit card, etc., he/she will be required to show them at the time of registration described in the preceding Paragraph.

Article 9 - Time Allowed for Use of the Guest room

  • 9.1 
    The time allowed for the Guest to use the guest room of the accommodation facility shall be as shown in the accommodation service directory, except when the Guest stays for more than one night in succession, in which case the Guest may use the guest room all day except the day of arrival and the day of departure.
  • 9.2 
    Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Paragraph, there are cases where the accommodation facility may accept the use of the guest room in hours other than those specified in the preceding Paragraph, in which case an additional charge will be required.

Article 10 - Compliance of the Rules of Use of the Accommodation

While staying in the accommodation facility, the Guest will be required to comply with the Rules of Use posted inside the accommodation facility as prescribed by us.

Article 11 - Business Hours

  • 11.1 
    The business hours of principal facilities in the accommodation facility shall be as shown in the pamphlet, etc. provided, information displayed at major points inside the accommodation facility and accommodation service directory.
  • 11.2 
    The hours described in the preceding Paragraph may be changed temporarily for unavoidable reasons, in which case the Guest will be notified by proper means.

Article 12 - Payment of Charges

  • 12.1 
    The breakdown of the Accommodation Charge, etc. payable by the Guest shall be as listed in the attached Table 1.
  • 12.2 
    Payment of the Accommodation Charges, etc. described in the preceding Paragraph shall be made in Japanese currency or by other alternative means acceptable by the accommodation facility, such as accommodation coupon, credit card, etc., at the front desk at the time when the Guest arrives at the accommodation facility or is requested by the accommodation facility.
  • 12.3 
    In the case that the Guest has not stayed at the accommodation facility at his/her discretion even after we have offered the guest room to the Guest and made it available for him/her to use, the Accommodation Charge will still be charged.

Article 13 - Responsibility of the accommodation facility

  • 13.1 
    In the case that we have inflicted damage on the Guest in the course of fulfilling the Accommodation Contract and related contracts or in breach of these Contracts, we shall compensate for the said damage, unless the said damage has been caused due to a cause not attributable to us.
  • 13.2 
    the accommodation facility is covered by Inkeeper's liability insurance to cope with emergencies in the case of fire, etc.

Article 14 - Handling In Case the Guest Room Contracted Is Not Available

  • 14.1 
    Should the guest room contracted for the Guest become unavailable for him/her, the accommodation facility shall try to offer other accommodation facilities under the same conditions as far as possible, subject to the consent of the Guest concerned.
  • 14.2 
    Notwithstanding the provision of the preceding Paragraph, in cases where we are unable to offer other accommodation facilities to the Guest, we shall pay to him/her a compensation charges equivalent to the penalty, which will be applied to the amount of the compensable damage. However, in cases where there is no cause attributable to us for not being able to offer the guest room, we shall not pay the compensation charge.

Article 15 - Handling of Checked Articles, etc.

  • 15.1 
    When the articles, cash and/or valuables checked by the Guest at the front desk have been lost or damaged, the accommodation facility shall compensate for the damage, unless the loss or damage has been caused by force majeure. However, in the case of cash and valuables, we shall do so only when the Guest has clearly reported the kind and value of such cash and valuables at our request. Otherwise we shall compensate for the damage up to the maximum amount of 100,000 yen.
  • 15.2 
    When the Guest has brought into the accommodation facility articles, cash and/or valuables but has not checked them at the front desk, we shall compensate for the loss or damage inflicted on them if caused intentionally or by gross negligence on our part. However, when the Guest has not clearly reported to us beforehand the kind and value of such items lost or damaged, we shall compensate for the loss or damage up to the maximum amount of 100,000 yen unless such loss or damage is the result of our intention or gross negligence.

Article 16 - Custody of the Baggage or Personal Belongings of the Guest

  • 16.1 
    When the baggage of the Guest has arrived at the accommodation facility prior to his/her arrival, the accommodation facility will keep it subject to our agreement given prior to its arrival, and will hand it to the Guest at the time when he/she checks in at the front desk.
  • 16.2 
    In the event that a Guest checks out having left baggage or belongings (excludes valuables) in the Facility, the Facility shall deem the owner to have relinquished his/her ownership rights to the items left behind. As a general rule, the Facility shall await the owner to make an inquiry and provide instructions. If no instructions are received from the owner within the period of 1 month, items will be disposed of at the discretion of the Facility. However, items such as food, drinks, tobacco, and magazines will be disposed of immediately on the day of discovery. In the event that valuables are left in the Facility and instructions are not provided by the owner, they will be dealt with in accordance with Japan's Lost Goods Law and will be submitted to the police.
  • 16.3 
    The responsibility of the accommodation facility regarding the custody of the Guest's baggage or personal belongings in the case of the preceding two Paragraphs shall conform to the provision of the preceding Article, Paragraph 1, in the case of Paragraph 1 of this Article and to the provision of the preceding Article, Paragraph 2, in the case of the preceding Paragraph.
  • 16.4 
    the accommodation facility shall have the right to inspect at its own discretion the contents of the Guest's baggage or personal belongings that are found misplaced after he/she checked out in order to handle them properly according to the nature of their content, and return them to the owner or dispose of them as provided for in the preceding Paragraphs as necessary, and the Guest shall not be entitled to object to such action.

Article 17 - Responsibility for Parking

When the Guest uses the parking area of the accommodation facility, the accommodation facility only lends the parking area and does not assume responsibility for care and custody of the vehicle parked, regardless of whether or not the accommodation facility has been asked to keep the key to the vehicle. However, the accommodation facility shall be liable for compensation if and when the vehicle parked is damaged due to its intention or gross negligence while managing the parking area. In the case of parking areas affiliated with the accommodation facility, matters shall be handled in pursuant to the rules of such affiliated parking areas.

Article 18 - Responsibility of the Guest

  • 18.1 
    In the case that the accommodation facility has suffered damage due to the intention or negligence of the Guest, the Guest will be required to compensate the accommodation facility for the said damage.
  • 18.2 
    Smoking is strictly prohibited inside all areas of the accommodation facility except for the designated smoking areas. In the event that smoking by the Guest is confirmed in a guest room or elsewhere in the facility other than the designated smoking areas, as specified in the attached Table 3, the Guest shall pay to the accommodation a cleaning fee and compensation for damages incurred due to the loss of guest room sales.

Article 19 - Disclaimer

The User shall be solely responsible for all computer communication from The accommodation facility. the accommodation facility shall not be responsible for any damage suffered by the User due to service interruptions attributable to system failure or other causes during computer communication. If the accommodation facility or any third party suffers damage due to action of the User which is judged inappropriate by the accommodation facility with regard to computer communication, the User shall be required to compensate for the said damage.

Article 20 - Governing Language

This Accommodation Contract is prepared in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean, and if there is inconsistency or discrepancy between the respective versions of the Contract, the Japanese version shall prevail in all respects.

Article 21 - Amendment of the Accommodation Contract

This Accommodation Contract may be amended as necessary. In the case of amendment of this Accommodation Contract, the accommodation facility shall list on its website or within the accommodation facility the content of the Contract as amended and the date when it takes effect.

Revised April 1, 2020
Revised March 1, 2022
Revised April 1, 2022
Revised March 1, 2024
Revised July 1, 2024
Revised October 1, 2024

Table 1: Breakdown of Accommodation Charge, etc.(concerning Article 2 Paragraph 1 and Article 12 Paragraph 1)

Total amount
to be paid
by a guest
Basic accommodation charge (room charge, meal charge, etc.)
Other use charges
Tax Taxes stipulated by law, regulation and ordinance such as consumption tax

The basic accommodation charge is based on charges effective at the time of the conclusion of the Accommodation Contract.

Table 2: Penalty(concerning Article 6 Paragraph 2)

Day when cancellation of Contract is notified
No show Booked day 1 day prior to booked day 2 - 3 days prior to booked day 4 - 7 days prior to booked day 8 - 20 days prior to booked day
100% 80% 50% 20%
100% 80% 80% 50% 30% 20%


  • The percentage listed is the percentage of the penalty to the basic accommodation charge.
  • In the case that the number of days for accommodation has been reduced, a penalty shall be charged only on the Accommodation Charge for the first day of the period in which the Guest does not stay at the accommodation facility due to such reduction, calculated based on the number of days between the day when the accommodation facility is notified of such reduction and the first day of such non-staying period.
  • In case of cancellation of an Accommodation Contract for 8 or more rooms, the penalty shall not be charged for the number of persons equal to 10% (any fraction is to be rounded up) of the total number of persons booked for accommodation as of 8 days prior to the first day of occupancy (or the day when the Accommodation Contract has been accepted if less than 8 days prior to the first day of occupancy).
  • In some cases, including accommodation under special plans sold by other affiliated businesses or the accommodation facility and occupancy by specific groups, a penalty different from those set forth above might be charged.

Table 3: Compensation for loss and damages caused by smoking in the accommodation facility(concerning Article 18 Paragraph 2)

Costs for room cleaning and disinfection workcaused by smoking in the facility, including guest rooms 30,000 JPY per room (tax included)
Costs for suspended sales of a guest room causedby smoking in the guest room Price specified by each hotel

Remark: Damages incurred due to the loss of guest room sales shall be the loss for room cleaning and disinfection work during the period of sales suspension of the guest room.

Rules of Use
To help ensure a safe and comfortable stay for our Visitors, all Visitors are asked to follow the following Regulations. The Facility reserves the right to refuse to allow any Visitor who fails to observe the Regulations to use the Facility.
Please note in particular that the Guest may be held liable for payment of damages in the case of accident, etc.
  • 1. 
    Use of Guest Room and Other Parts of the Hotel
    • (1)
      Check the escape route from the guest room posted on the inside of the guest room door.
    • (2)
      Do not use candles or other flame producing objects, such as those for heating or cooking, in guest rooms or hallways. Also, do not cook or prepare food inside guest rooms.
    • (3)
      All rooms are non-smoking. Smoking (including heated tobacco products) is prohibited for fire safety reasons, except in designated areas. Please refrain from smoking except in designated areas.
      The Guest will be liable for the actual cost of cleaning, repair, etc. of bedding, curtains, wallpaper, etc. if you have smoked (including heated tobacco products) in a guest room.
    • (4)
      The use of the guest room for purposes other than accommodation without the consent of the Facility is not permitted.
    • (5)
      The stay of person(s) not registered for accommodation is strictly prohibited.
    • (6)
      Visitors are not allowed in the guest room. Please meet visitors in the lobby.
    • (7)
      Please lock the door and use the door guard when in the room or in bed.
    • (8)
      Do not wear nightgowns or slippers in the lobby or restaurant.
    • (9)
      Do not leave personal belongings in any location other than your guest room.
    • (10)
      Please do not place articles that might impair the appearance of the Facility in windows.
    • (11)
      The Guest may not use equipment or fixtures of the guest room or other parts of the Facility in areas or for purposes other than those intended, or use them in a manner that would damage their condition without consulting the Facility.
    • (12)
      If the Guest damages or loses a structure, item of furniture, fixture or other item or creates a need for special cleaning intentionally or negligently, you may be liable to pay compensation to the Hotel in an amount corresponding to such damage, loss or special cleaning.
    • (13)
      Please note that a fee will be charged for phone calls made from the guest room to outside the Facility.
  • 2. 
    Handling of Guest Room Key
    • (1)
      Make sure the guest room is locked when leaving the room.
    • (2)
      The key must be returned when checking out. If not returned, will be charged the actual cost as a loss fee.
  • 3. 
    Handling of Valuables and Lost Article 
    • (1)
      The Guest is advised to utilize the safe-deposit box at the front desk to store jewels and other valuables during your stay (free of charge). However, please use the guest room safe instead if equipped in the room. Note that the Guest is solely responsible for the safety of articles while using the room safe and that the Hotel will not compensate the Guest for any loss or damage.
    • (2)
      The front desk, cloakroom, etc. will keep checked items for 7 days unless specifically instructed otherwise.
    • (3)
      In the event that a Visitor leaves the Facility having left baggage or belongings (excludes valuables) in the Facility, the Facility shall deem the owner to have relinquished his/her ownership rights to the items left behind. As a general rule, the Facility shall await the owner to make an inquiry and provide instructions. If no instructions are received from the owner within the period of 1 month, items will be disposed of at the discretion of the Facility. However, items such as food, drinks, tobacco, and magazines will be disposed of immediately on the day of discovery. In the event that valuables are left in the Facility and instructions are not provided by the owner, they will be dealt with in accordance with Japan’s Lost Goods Law and will be submitted to the police.
  • 4. 
    • (1)
      Payment of charges must be made at the front desk by means of currency or otherwise by accommodation coupons or credit cards accepted by the Facility. Please note that the Facility. is unable to accept checks including traveler's checks.
    • (2)
      The Guest is required to settle charges at the front desk at the time of your arrival or when requested.
    • (3)
      When a person other than the Guest is to pay the charges but has not done so by the prescribed day, the Guest is required to make such payment.
    • (4)
      In the event of a change to the scheduled length of stay, please contact the front desk in advance. In the event of an extension, pay the bill for the period of the extension at the front desk.
    • (5)
      Please settle charges each time when presented with a bill by the front desk.
    • (6)
      To use restaurants within the Hotel and charge the bills to your room, please show the room number on your room key holder and sign the space provided.
      *Please note that some facilities may not be available to charge the bills to your room.
    • (7)
      The Hotel will not pay for the Guest's purchases, tickets for planes, trains, buses, etc. ,taxi fares, baggage shipping, etc.
  • 5. 
    Other Prohibitions
    • (1)
      Refrain from taking any of the equipment, furnishings, or fixtures provided in the guest room and the facility with you when you depart the hotels. (Please feel free to take the toothbrush and other such amenities with you).
    • (2)
      Refrain from dyeing your hair in the guest room and the facility. If the bathroom, washbasin, fixtures, public baths etc. become stained or soiled, you will be charged the actual costs incurred in cleaning and other repairs, etc. of the bathroom, washbasin, fixtures, etc.
    • (3)
      The following articles may not be brought into the Facility:
      • ① 
        Pets and other animals
      • ② 
        Articles with noxious or foul odors
      • ③ 
        Any items in extremely large amounts
      • ④ 
        Inflammable or easily ignitable items, such as gunpowder, gasoline, etc.
      • ⑤ 
        Illegally owned guns, swords, etc.
      • ⑥ 
        Other items whose ownership is prohibited under Japanese law
    • (4)
      Organizations or individuals to whom any of the following apply are not permitted to use the facilities in the Facility:
      • ① 
        Organized crime group, organized crime group member, organized crime group-related organization or person associated with such organization
      • ② 
        Person related to corporate body or other organization whose business activities are controlled by an organized crime group or organized crime group member(s)
      • ③ 
        Antisocial organization, or member of or person related to such organization
      • ④ 
        Person who has been observed committing assault, injury, threat, extortion, intimidating and unreasonable demand or similar act
      • ⑤ 
        Person suffering diminished capacity, loss of self due to drug abuse, etc. whose safety cannot be ensured or who might create danger for, or fear or anxiety in other guests
      • ⑥ 
        Person who has violated the Rules of Use of the Facility and failed to stop such violation(s) after being warned by the Facility.
    • (5)
      Gambling or other acts that might corrupt public morals are not permitted in the Facility.
    • (6)
      Shouting, singing loudly, making a noise or other behaviors likely to disturb other guests are prohibited in the Facility.
    • (7)
      The Guest may not enter without permission or demand to enter staff-only areas not meant for guests of the Facility.
    • (8)
      The Guest may not distribute or display advertisements, or sell goods, etc. within the premises without the permission of the Facility.
    • (9)
      Guests consisting only of minors will not be accepted unless there is permission from their guardians.
    • (10)
      Photography in a manner disturbing to other guests is strictly prohibited in the Facility. If photos taken within the premises, etc. are published for commercial purposes without permission, the Facility might take legal action.
    • (11)
      When using the ancillary facilities and equipment in this accommodation, please comply with the rules and regulations stipulated for each ancillary facility and equipment.
    • (12)
      Person who commits any acts similar to the above mentioned items shall be suspended from using the Facility.